
Saturday, July 4, 2015

In Closing

Your life is one incredible journey and every single day as you make your way through it, you are presented ample opportunities to understand and then to change your perspectives.  Nothing shifts an unhealthy perspective quicker than gaining understanding and with that understanding finding the grace of forgiveness or realization that there is nothing to forgive.

Every single day we are alive and breathing in this frame we are learning things we enjoy and things we can say we definitively do not enjoy.  Regardless, it is all part of the journey.  The journey itself IS the destination.  With that in mind, consider your opportunities to learn and to grow.  Human interactions create so much for us to learn from.  In this regard, we are in this (life) together.  In a way, we are our brother’s keeper.  Not that we should carry our brother physically when he can do that fine and well on his own.  But, we can understand him, empathize, and hold compassion for him and for ourselves. 

Humanity is strangled in its authenticity having the mistaken idea that each must live up to some pressure-creating ideal.  You won’t forgive?  Then you are a spiteful soul.  This is not true.  Judgments are often filtered through our conditioning so how do we know if we’re right?  How do we know when we are wrong?  There is no definitive way to tell so I guess we just do the best we can to be who and what we are.  I suggest the grace of understanding and forgiveness not to allow bad behavior to continue unpunished but instead to help you find a way to stop punishing yourself.

Life can be punishing enough without all of the psychodrama happening in this world due to all the wounded egos acting out of their conditioning resulting from their Environmental Psychology.  If you can understand the miles another human has walked in their shoes, it might help you come to greater wisdom and understanding that you can immediately apply to your life thereby making it better.

Some choices are meant to be.  They are meant to be because we wanted to learn and learn we shall in some way shape or form.  I assure you though; no action of “saving face” helps you when you are finished with this life.  What helps you is understanding what you came to learn and the love you hold inside for yourself and all of humanity.  That light brightens the darkness, lifts you up and carries you home.

I pray you find your pathways through understanding and forgiveness to be beneficial in your life.  Don’t take my words at face value alone for I only share what I have come to understand.  So, test my words, see if it helps.  If it doesn’t, carry on.  You’ll find no judgment from me.  My intention is pure and I know ultimately, so is that of every soul I encounter no matter how they behave.

I wish you blessings of great love, light and healing always.

J.L. Harter

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